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DIY Bottle Cap Necklace

DIY Bottle Cap Necklace
Gather your supplies and follow this quick Bottle Cap Necklace Photo Tutorial featuring our Distressed Black Bottle Caps.

Bottle Cap Necklace Useful Tools

1" Hole Punch, 1/18" Euro Punch Tool, E6000 Glue

Bottle Cap Necklace Supplies

Distressed Black Bottle Caps, Antique Silver Jump Rings, Tattoo Hearts Bottle Cap Images, Black Ball Chain Necklace, 1" Epoxy Dots

Here We Go!


Unless you'd like to add an image to the top of your cap! If so, read on! We'll make the necklace into a two sided bottle cap necklace.

Adding an image to the top of your bottle cap.

Now you're finished!

Keep scrolling for some pictures, tips and inspiration!

Bottle Cap Necklace Tips and Tricks:

  1. After gluing an image to the TOP of the bottle cap lay the bottle cap on a flat surface and press around the edges as the glue dries. Bottle caps are ever so slightly curved near the edges and this will form the epoxy dot to this curve.
  2. When printing an image to adhere to the TOP of a bottle cap choose lighter weight photo paper with a gloss, semi gloss or matte finish. The thinner paper will give less resistence in adhering to the slight dome towards the edge of the bottle cap.
  3. Use a split ring instead of a jump ring for making children's jewelry pendants as they allow for more wear and tear.
  4. Rub a colored alchohol ink on the surface of a distressed black bottle cap to give it a unique look with some dimension. Kind of like those colored acid washed jeans that I used to wear in Junior High!?!
  5. If you'd like to shorten your ball chain necklace just get some scissors and clip it to the desired length.

Bottle Cap Necklace Inspiration

Another 2 sided necklace plus add a small silver charm!

Use the distressed black cap and Steam Punk 1 images to create a bottle cap necklace with steam punk style.

Bottle Cap nylon choker necklace with glass bead charm.

More charms! Two sided bottle cap necklace with leather necklace and beaded charms.

Cute! Glue a mini image to the top and cover with an epoxy dot. Make an up style pin or embellish your paper craft creations.

Tools & Supplies Quick List:

Do you have another idea? Share it!

Questions, comments ... we love to hear them!
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Reader Comments

Date 8/3/2011 1:06:10 PM
Date 8/3/2011 1:07:11 PM
you should make two sided color distressed bottle caps
Date 8/4/2011 7:54:11 AM
Thanks! That's a great suggestion! We're working on it.
Date 8/6/2011 11:56:28 PM
norma phillips
Could you make a picture tuyorial on how to use the tool to attach the split rings? No directions came with it. Thanks.
Date 8/9/2011 1:11:35 PM
Yes, thank you for asking. I will make a picture tutorial this week about how to use the split ring tool.
Date 8/15/2011 10:23:16 AM
Jennifer Madden
Are you going to start selling the little bead charms or any other embellishments for the necklaces?
Date 8/16/2011 1:17:22 PM
Yes! We're working on it, researching and planning. We don't know exactly when yet but it is in the works! Thanks for asking.
Date 1/14/2012 10:51:46 PM
If I want to use my own image what paper is best to use and how could I get the right size for a standard cap
Date 2/3/2012 10:08:36 AM
Photo paper is best to use. I like using thinner photo paper as it bends easier to the very slight curve of the bottle cap if you are using it on the top of the cap. The standard cap size is 1 inch so I like to make my images slightly bigger, that way the 1" punch will cleanly punch the design with no white border showing. Thanks for the question. Let me know if there is anything else you need to know :0)
Date 2/12/2012 9:10:09 AM
Lori Fox
Hi Wende! I just finished a craft show yesterday and the necklaces sold out. I'm curious about one thing. I want to make them interchangable with magnets, but the only tutorials I'm finding are for children's stretchy necklaces. How would I make them interchangable and keep them on the ball and chain necklace? Thank you for your help!
Date 3/15/2013
My images printed on photo paper keep bleeding once the image has set for a few hours. I have put modge podge on the back of the image to seal it, but it may be reacting to the e9000. Any suggestions on how to glue the image to the bottlecap and keep the image from bleeding. I am using the expoy dots and not resin.
Date 8/3/2015
Lissandra Torres
This article is great, now I have a lot of ideas to make recycled jewelry. Although here you can find more information about this topic. I want to share it because this could be useful if somebody want additional resources
Date 11/5/2016
odoka yasin
it is so cute

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