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DIY: Letter Press Block Nursery Decor

DIY: Letter Press Block Nursery Decor

Bottle Caps and wooden letter press blocks make a sweet, simple handmade baby shower gift

Handmade gifts are so heartfelt... and often labors of love, meaning they take hours and hours to create. You'll most likely be finished with this one in less than 60 minutes. It's easy! And the finished product is one that you'd be proud to present at any baby shower.

ZZZ Letter Press Block Supplies
letter press block home decor diy
Here's what you'll need to gather:

Paint Your Letters
Lightly sand your Letter Press Blocks
Give the surface a quick sanding with some fine sand paper.

Craft Paint and Letter Press Blocks
A sponge brush works great for this project.

If you don't want to distress your letters I recommend using either Alcohol Ink or Vintaj Patina Inks. The Patina Inks are made for metal but they work beautifully on the blocks. These paints adhere cleaner and stronger than craft paint. Also, a little bit goes a long way.

Painted Letter Press Blocks

Distress 'Em
Distress it!

Distressed Letter Block Close Up

Seal 'Em With Mod Podge
Seal with Mod Podge
Apply a thin layer with a sponge brush.

Create Your Bottle Cap Design
Add bottle cap design
There are lots of possibilities with scrap papers and paper word cuts, or choose from our selection of bottle cap images.

letter press home decor detail photo
I sealed my bottle cap design with a thick layer of 3D Crystal Laquer.

Sleep Tight, I Love You, Good Night...
Freestanding sleep themed letter press blocks will make a sweet addition to any nursery.

letter press nursery decor
Have fun with our new 5" Letter Press Blocks and don't worry about messing up, you can always sand 'em down and start over.

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